Charged at installation with seeking “to serve the people with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love”, the Deacons of Faith Presbyterian Church hold fast to Philippians 4:13 which proclaims, “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me!” Many times the hardest but also the most rewarding part of being a Deacon is building relationships with a Care Group. As this connection strengthens it becomes much easier to interact with families and individuals, especially in times of joy and sorrow. Our desire is to develop lines of communication running in both directions.
The Deacons reach out to our members who are experiencing difficulties. We offer our prayers, guidance, grocery cards, and limited financial aid. Our goal is finding small ways to help families and individuals. This emphasizes a Deacon’s true mission as stated in the Book of Order “to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to anyone who may be in distress.”
Invitations to church functions, dispersing church information, and keeping in touch are facilitated many times through the Care Groups. The necessary organizational tasks such as greeting with the pastor after worship and serving as a representative to session are shared on a monthly basis. The prayer chain, family support (at times of illness or death of a loved one), and maintaining the photo quilt are other ways we serve the people of our congregation.
The Deacons also encourage the use of Extended Communion, a program in which the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is delivered and presented by two or more ordained officers of the church in the home of someone who is unable to commune with the congregation (due to medical or physical reasons). If you would like to receive this service, please contact your Deacon.
The Deacons take to heart the care of the extended family that is Faith Presbyterian Church. We work at unconditional love for this friendly, caring, church family so as to create a church in Christ’s image, equipped and ready to minister to others.
The Board of Deacons meets monthly, with the exceptions of July and August, on a Tuesday.