Our church is effectively run by the volunteer leadership of several members. Each committee and many individual activities are supported by other active members. Listed below are the formal leaders of our community, broken into two groups: Deacons and Session.
Carolyn Benner
Doug Boyd
Donna Call
Eleanor DePhillips
Tracey Gill
Anne Laubach
Jana Masenheimer
Pam Mongi
Tim Bagnull, Ministry to the Congregation
Terry Eck, Ministry of Support
Sally Heimbach, Nominating and Ministry to the Community
Andy Ingram, Ministry to the Congregation
Pam Martin, Ministry to the Community
Janie Slamon, Ministry of Support
Clerk of Session: Melanie Shimer
*The governing body of the church. All Session members are Elders.
Financial Leadership:
Janie Slamon, Treasurer
Lynda Scheirer, Bookkeeper/Financial Secretary